What is the Immerse Bible?

It is a “reading Bible” that has restored the formatting of the Bible to its original layout by removing the features we’ve added over time (chapter numbers, verse numbers, section headings, cross references, footnotes, etc.). This makes it read more like the grand narrative it was written to be. The translation is Tyndale’s widely respected New Living Translation – a modern, readable translation that’s accessible to readers of all ages.

One of the more innovative and refreshing aspects of the Immerse Bible is its book club approach to reading and discussing the Bible together. Book club members will read through the New Testament together over the course of eight weeks, gathering each week to discuss the same 4 questions that anyone can answer, regardless of where they are on their faith journey:

  • What stood out to you this week?
  • Was there anything that was confusing or troubling?
  • Did anything make you think differently about God?
  • How might this change the way that we live?

From a content standpoint, they are identical. But the layout and organization is unique. Immerse: Messiah begins with Luke and Acts – Luke’s original unified work that was pulled apart in our modern Bibles. From there books are organized in rough chronological order with the aim of allowing the story to flow more as it unfolded.

And as mentioned above, it has removed all the markings that have been added over time, many of which are useful for finding passages but serve as stop signs that promote reading in smaller chunks. This gives it much more of an epic book feel than a typical Bible, and promotes reading broadly in a way that leads to “aha” moments as broad themes that may have been previously missed!

Absolutely! Because the Immerse Bible takes more of a book club approach that virtually everyone in our culture is aware of, this is actually a perfect opportunity to extend an invitation to join you and your group. It’s more of a Bible “exploration” than a Bible “study” that makes for a great introduction to God’s Word for someone who may never have engaged or experienced it before.

  • Anchored Life Bible Reading Challenge Playbook
  • Sermons Transcripts
  • Graphics
  • Emails
  • Book Club Playbook and Training Videos
  • After The Challenge Playbook

Research shows the power of reading the Word in community. This is the distinctive of One Million More Challenge.  

We can help in connecting you to an Immerse Bible Book Club if you decide you would like to try reading the Bible with other people. 

Of course! We are choosing to launch at the start of the new year because many people are thinking of new year resolutions and establishing new habits. 

As you think about the timing of your launch, keep that in mind. When in the year is your congregation thinking about making a change in their lives. After Easter or Back to School Kickoff in the fall are great times to launch a challenge.

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